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  4. Nathalie Nathalie

Natalie - Devops Engineer Salesforce

Natalie lives in Rotterdam and has a great passion for soccer, with Feyenoord being her favorite club. In addition, she practices CrossFit. Sports takes an important place in her life.

Her career in IT started by chance. While studying Cultural Studies, with a broad focus from HR to philosophy and economics, she rolled into the IT world through a side job. She started at the Service Desk and soon discovered her interest in the technical side of the field. Despite not knowing what she wanted to do in high school, her broad studies eventually led her toward IT, specifically in Application Management.

Natalie began her career at a Rotterdam startup, which was later acquired by a large American organization. There she developed from Service Desk employee, to Salesforce administrator and later to Salesforce Release Engineer, where her responsibilities included deployments and technical support. Her learning was mostly hands-on, learning a lot by doing and asking questions of colleagues.

After the acquisition, however, Natalie felt out of place. The culture was changing and she felt isolated on the team. She decided it was time for a new challenge. She wanted to work at an end client, where she could have more direct impact and be part of a team that truly works together.

A job in the Salesforce ecosystem

Through a recruiter, she got in touch with Renewi and was immediately excited. Renewi's values, such as its focus on the circular economy, really appealed to her. The idea that her work contributes to a more sustainable world motivated her tremendously. In addition, Natalie was looking for a job in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Her first interview with Renewi, intended as a brief introduction, turned into an in-depth one-hour conversation. It clicked right away and Natalie felt Renewi was the right place for her. "The responsibilities in the position and the opportunities for advancement appealed to me greatly. The prospect of working in a Scrum team and contributing to the transformation of the organization was very appealing."


In her role at Renewi, Natalie works primarily on technical projects and the implementation of new features within Salesforce. Her involvement includes debugging, developing interfaces between Salesforce and other systems such as ERP systems, and release management. Her experience in technical deployment and her hands-on mentality make her a valuable member of the team.

The freedom and flexibility 

What Natalie loves about Renewi is the freedom and flexibility such as the ability to work from home. "The short lines within the team allow us to work efficiently and everyone is always available for sparring. The team has an informal working atmosphere and although we work across the Netherlands and Belgium, it feels very close and cozy."

Her manager Pieter trusts the team completely and this gives them the space to be creative and proactive. This autonomy stimulates innovation and allows Natalie to really contribute to Renewi's growth and efficiency. Moreover, she appreciates the opportunities for personal development within the company, such as the Future Leaders program she is part of. This program offers workshops and training that help her further develop her skills, for example in the area of presentation, which comes in handy when giving demos.


Why work at Renewi?

Natalie's story clearly demonstrates the benefits of working at Renewi. The combination of an inspiring mission, a supportive and flexible work environment, and numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth make Renewi an attractive employer for IT professionals. If you are looking for a place where you can make an impact and develop your skills, Renewi is the right choice.